About CARA
CARA - The Carey Area Residents Association (previously RASVMG - Residents Association of Strawberry Vale, Marigold and Glanford.) is a non-profit organization which is managed by anExecutive Committee of volunteers with an interest in CARA's mission and a background of community involvement and leadership.
The Executive Committee provides direction to the CARA organization by:
Ensuring regular meetings of members to discuss the current planning issues and share ideas on how to be effective in addressing them;
Ensuring that the appropriate CARA communications are provided on agreed matters to City Committees and Council as appropriate;
Manages membership dues to support agreed CARA initiatives
Meet the Executive Team
Volunteer members from the community:
Hollis Hodson
Geoff Brinkhaus
Communications Officer
Aidan Hodson
Vice President
Anja Nurvo
Janine Hannis
Member at Large
David Baanstra
Kevin Brown
Member at Large
Paul Hodson
Member at Large
Note: We are still looking to fill more spots within our executive committee. If you are interested in joining CARA’s executive team, please note so in your membership application form.
CARA Links
Natasha Kappell
Member at Large